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How cheap can be expensive in web design

In Web Design | on Apr. 12, 2011 | by | 0 Comments

It is common for people to always go for the cheapest in the market. This theory is no different in web design. Most people requiring websites will always go for the cheapest designer available. However, these people do not understand why the designer charges less than other designers. With the current trend of higher qualifications and experience for a job offer by web design companies, most web designers especially those with little or no experience are tuning to self employment.

They charge much lower because all they are looking for is clients to work for and earn money. In such a case, the newbie does not have enough experience and may not know some of the dos and don’ts when creating websites. Such designers will create a web site but it is likely to have poor navigation, dead links, poor copywriting skills and bad layout. Most new designers also lack adequate skills and knowledge to create unique templates and tags. They are likely to copy from experienced web designers case in which you end up with a site with stuff copied from other sites.

Common mistakes likely to be made by such designers are for example bad use of colours, fonts and layout. Despite being taught the fonts, colours and layouts to use; you may find some newbie designers making these mistakes. Most people consider calligraphy a good writing concept and would include it in their texts. Most calligraphic designs cannot be read comfortably by people with eye problems. If such a website is created for you, you are likely to lose some of the potential clients.  Contrast may also not be brought out well by new designers. The basic rule of web design is that images and texts should complement the background of the site. Designers offering cheap websites may not know this from experience and end up mixing colours the way they like. There are many websites available on the internet, that have such problems and you can only imagine the hassle the people with eye problems go through when navigating through such websites.

Search engine optimization is one of the most important factors in any web design project. It determines the amount of traffic your site will have every day. Search engines can only be able to index your site if you have done your SEO properly. New designers without experience may have problems doing this and if they deign a website for you, the problems are worse. At the same time, major search engines keep on changing their analytics which could present problems to inexperienced designers in following up these changes. This has a direct effect on the traffic to your site.

These mistakes are likely to cost the website owner a lot of money. You would need to either start creating a website from scratch or do a lot editing or modifications to set it up the way it should be. This would be much more costly than when you would have contracted experienced web designers charging more for the same work making cheap very expensive.

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