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Understanding the Website Development Process

In Web Development | on Apr. 27, 2011 | by | 0 Comments

Understanding the website development process is important when you are looking for a web development service. When you have the information, you will be able to set your expectations right, and know when you are getting less than you are paying for. When you understand the web development process, you are able to better predict how long the project will take, and set a proper deadline for when your website should be up and running. The very first step is to know exactly what you want. What do you want your website to look like? Do you have a layout in mind? What colors do you want your site in? What theme should it reflect? Having an answer to these and other questions is important, as they will likely be raised by the web developers that you are working with.


Website development starts with planning. This is the preparatory phase, where all the information is presented. Part of it comes from the client, and the other comes from research. Any good web developer will feel obliged to know the kind of website that they are working on, the target audience that is being aimed for, the kind of content that is going to be placed on the website, as web development includes content development, and the web layout. The planning process is very interactive, with the client being involved along the way to ascertain that their expectations are understood, and that there is the possibility of meeting them.


The second step is the execution. The plan is put into action, and it starts with laying out the architecture of the website, that is the layout, the sitemap and the navigation system. Content may be included at this point so that it can be established that progress is being made. Consultations are made with the client to ensure that they are pleased with the kind of layout that has been conceived. They might request some design changes, and these are executed at this point, before the project goes any further. Content creation occurs at this point, together with any graphics that may be needed to accompany it- images, videos, 3D models and so on.


The third step is development. After the client ascertains that everything that has been created can be included in the site, then that is exactly what happens. Content is placed in its respective pages, applications are installed, and navigational links are included. Graphics are also incorporated into the website, ensuring that they are not heavily used, as this has repercussions. At this point, the website is already hosted and can be viewed by the client. They are free to request any changes that they would like to see made.


The final step in the website development process is the activation of the site. It is placed on the internet and sent to the many different search engines there are. Domain registration and website hosting can be completed in the previous step. Browser compatibility is done to ensure that the site can be viewed on all the major browsers.

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